Ruddy NONONE, born in 1982 in Villeneuve la Garenne (Hauts de Seine), is a young chef. From an early age, he is interested in cooking and baking. Also, it is quite naturally that it turns towards the professional way as of the 3rd.
He first obtained a BEP kitchen at Montgérald high school at Marin. Then, to deepen his knowledge, he continued his studies in a baccalaureate for hotels and catering at Alexandre Dumas High School, in Alsace, Illkirch-Graffenstaden. He learns in turn general and technological lessons in particular (oenology, etc.)
Very attached to his island Martinique, he returned in 2004 to have a new approach to the West Indian cuisine and showcase the products of the terroir. On the strength of his achievements, he embarked on the world of work in various restaurants on the island: East Cape Lagoon, Buccaneers, Foyaal, Castle, Four Senses.
Today, he practices his art of cooking at the “Le Dôme” restaurant, offering a not only Caribbean but cosmopolitan menu of fresh, local products.